This comes from Jin Shin Jyutsu which is an energy healing modality.
You simply take a moment and hold each finger for about 5 minutes.
When holding each one, it helps to balance organ flows in the body. Organ flows are a type of energy pathway. As the organ flow comes into balance, emotion tends to soften and lessen.
Each finger corresponds with a different type of emotion.
The thumb: worry
Pointer finger: fear
Middle finger: anger
Ring finger: grief or sadness
Baby finger: pretence - trying to "be okay"
This is something you can do at any time. While watching TV, while sitting in a meeting, while watching your kids play, etc...
I often practice this while falling asleep at night and very often it helps me to fall asleep.
If you try it, I'd love to know if you find it helpful. :)
Read more about Jin Shin Jyutsu here…/jin-shin-jyutsu-healing-body-and-m…/#