•  10/09/2022 12:59 PM

Read the long list of areas that can potentially improve with SSP

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  •  10/09/2019 11:42 PM

Did you know that you can use the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) to help your pets? When someone does SSP with me, I include supervising their dog or cat's process at no additional charge.

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  •  07/26/2019 08:03 PM

The SSP uses the auditory system as a portal to the vagus complex, which controls our physiological state. Once physiological state is regulated, we feel calmer, happier, more confident, and more able to engage with others. The SSP boosts the effectiveness of other approaches and therapies being accessed.

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  •  05/29/2019 10:35 PM

Information about somatic experiencing, a neurological and physiological approach to psychotherapy.

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  •  08/25/2018 10:58 AM

While research is in the early stages, initial studies appear to show promise for using neurofeedback to treat opioid addiction.

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